The Mystery Kids Wiki


Alagadda is a mystical, extra-dimensional city that serves as the abode of the Hanged King himself.


Alagadda is described as having a yellow sky dotted with an indeterminate amount of black stars corresponding to no known or hypothesized constellations. It has two pitch-black suns, visible only as a pale yellow outline, which provides modicum of heat and light. Looking into them is safe for the eyes, but risks headaches, nausea, bad dreams, or the attention of the Hanged King.

Alagadda is an unimaginably vast patchwork of the cities that it has subsumed across the Material Plane over the eons; each individual piece is called a nexus. The buildings themselves seem to have been carved from a single seamless material utilizing impossible architecture with inhabitants themselves routinely breaking the laws of gravity, such as by climbing upside-down staircases. Black, white, yellow, and red are the only colors that are seen in Alagadda and the city is described by Cecil Palmer and the Tenth Doctor, who once ventured there, as having the odor of dried flowers with a hint of mold or something that has the scent of an old library.


Individuals visiting the city have trouble estimating time and space while inside of it, although curiously, those with a history of lucid dreaming have shown far greater self-control and attention to detail. It is also shown that it becomes eerily easy for anyone to become addicted into entering the city, and most of those who do manage to make it out of Alagadda have a lot of difficulty in explaining what they experienced. An example of this is when a scientist from the SCP Foundation, experienced with both hallucinogenics and lucid dreaming, was sent in to properly examine the city. The agents that were sent with him quickly succumbed to the decadent pleasures that the city had to offer, but the doctor avoided them and was able to soldier on.


It is shown that there is a universal translation of languages within Alagadda, as although the other agents of the SCP Foundation hear the inhabitants speaking English, the doctor could hear them speaking in his own native language being Spanish. Written words, however, do not translate quite as easily as it seems the native script of Alagadda is quite alien, and there are a fair amount of words that do not have an equivalent in human language.
