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Tthe angel erika by alithographica-d9m3lwo

One of the angels.

Angels, also called "Erika" either with a "K' or a "C," are spiritual entities that may or may not be real and have an unknown number of powerful abilities.


In Journal #1, it states that the angels do not legally exist, which would explain as to why not that many people believe in them. They are also one of the few beings that Bill Cipher openly fears and avoids that he would take the risk to openly manipulate more naive ones such as Aziraphale.

Angels are created from souls, and according to Journal #3, some of them are human souls, while others are animals, plants, or outdated electronics. Very few human souls become angels. There is also a hierarchy that exists within the divine domain of the angels although whether or not that it follows the same system found in Abrahamic tradition is unknown; Aziraphale, however, appears to imply that this is the case.


While no angel has ever been truly seen, very few people who have seen them describe them as ten feet tall, radiant, and that one of them is black, suggesting that they come in different shades of colors. An eyewitness also stated that they "fly around and make loud trumpet noises, will not stop smiling all the time and have so many eyes."

When an angel first appeared before Stanford Pines, he describes "a bright, blackish glow" that illuminates "around the shape of someone neither man nor woman, tall, long, with great black wings, beating softly." and is holding a light bulb.


While their personalities are vague at best, the angels are depicted as easily bored and are also capable of anger. This is evident in when Mabel was playing with two of them, though they were visible to her and not the others, they suddenly left and did not return for two days which caused Mabel to believe that she either made them angry or bored. This seems to suggest that they have characteristics similar to that of humans in some way. Despite this, they are also shown to be quite playful, given that they performed harmless pranks on some of the children and the residents of Night Vale. They are also seen dancing alongside the kids and their caretaker after trying to cheer up the latter, showing a trait of compassion.
